Why BCShop is the future of decentralized digital market!!!
Imagine a world where you and your customers can trust 100% the security of the Ethereum BlockChain to issue smart contracts on your behalf, taking care of the ordering, payment and delivery of your online products or services in an automated environment when ordering e-tickets, software, media assets, plug-ins, movies, music, online courses, games and more, Bcshop is bringing this aim to the world of digital marketing. What are the aims of BCShop? To allow vendors to publish information about digital products and services, and customers – to purchase these products and services with Ethereum cryptocurrency. Use of smart contracts for automatization of payment processing and account of products. To be able to create digital product offer with only a few clicks and does not require vendors to install any software. Here are a few reasons why I think they will succeed and why I really believe that BCSHOP will decentralize the digital marketplace Be...