Review on Box2Table

Box2table Inc. It is a technology startup, which provides food & beverage companies with comprehensive cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) with Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals; an automated inventory management system backed by a protocol intelligence and a decentralized blockchain trading platform between mini and large business owners and manufacturers and distributors of products worldwide.
Box2Table will be a decentralized food market in which restaurants & suppliers interact and conduct their business. The main idea is the possibility of ordering & paying for any product in any country using our Box2Table Dollar cryptocurrency (B2D) currency donation. In this case, new technology as an irreplaceable tool.
Commission commission per transaction is the most popular way to charge a client. Currently the commission may make the goods unprofitable for the buyer. Our platform shows the requirement on which porto is minimal, which will enable us to beat our competitors.
The cash register is a key component based on every retail business. The ability to process transactions effectively is crucial for every new company. If the business has many sales, changing the cash register to the Point-of-Sale (POS) system will save money on money. The POS system is computer software and hardware equipment integrated into the network for tracking & managing sales and inventory. The POS system helps break the poly case for the latest culinary & beverage companies.
The current inventory management platform makes it perfectly possible to determine the amount of goods in inventory. We are solving all the flaws of similar systems contained with AI, Cloud & blockchain technologies.
The majority of people see cryptocurrency as an investment tool or, in the best scenario, a decentralized instrument for money transfers. Such an approach delayed the masses for utilizing blockchain technology.
We believe that blockchain & crypto-technologies must be used for the sake of simple customers who have never even heard of blockchain and not just as speculation or the sense of fundraising.
Box2Table's mission is to provide entrepreneurs around the world with easier business management, enhanced client and user experience and culinary exclusive goods-ordering facilitation on all platforms.
Hard & Soft Cap
Hard cap set at USD 41 M.
Soft seal for USD 5M.
If our ICO reaches nir
soft cup on September 2nd, all contributors
Token Publishing
A total of 500 000 000 coins will be issued.
6 250 000B2C according to the total supply will be
Price Token
Box2Coin price will be set like that: $ 0.12
& will be fixed to the ETH price near the end of ICO
sold during our pre-ICO
will be fully restored.
The Box2Table POS system will have a number of features, which will significantly increase business productivity & reduce energy costs. Users can create a special dish on a matter of minutes & update it using it easily based on any device, anywhere.
The business owner will be able to track every employee who put the order (perform the action), the number of tables served & general information for the day (how many poly items sold, order quantity, sales, profit and loss).
All sales data, product usage history and other crucial facts will be included in the blockchain. Cloud data storage will enable it to instantly receive news on inventory & bookkeeping management to form the expected accounting statements.
Sometimes businesses run out of money but sometimes orders for the next month should be processed immediately. The Box2Table platform will allow the restaurant to finance the ordering of goods with the help of smart contracts, when expected.
Blockchain's clever contracts make transactions without additional online / offline confirmation & cross-inspection. This new process completely replaces the transaction document trading guarantee (invoice and BL) functions. The loan will be automatically processed for the business if the conditions of pre-contract listed on Blockchain will be met.
Join Box2Table as we look to shift the frame of mind for big and small companies.
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by Abdulowad
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